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Keep accurate records of each project with day-to-day entries in CECA's Job-Site Journal. Developed specifically for electrical contractors, such a Journal is especially valuable because its detailed documentation is admissible evidence for substantiating

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Manual of Labor Units (MLU) 2021-2022 Edition Book (4090-21)
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Index: 4090-21

An estimate is only as good as the information it is based on, and the NECA Manual of Labor Units (MLU) has been the estimating resource of choice for electrical contractors since 1923. The MLU provides an experience-based reference for estimating the electrical construction labor required to install typical electrical and communications systems.

Updates to this edition provide new units for cable bus, conduit tags, all-threaded hanger rods, coaxial cable, traffic light camera controls and much more.

    Format: Book
    Other available formats: PDF Download
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    Manual of Labor Units (MLU) 2023-2024 Edition Book (4090-23)
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    Index: 4090-23

    The hard copy book of the MLU will be available by May 15, 2024. You can order now for delivery after it becomes available.

    An estimate is only as good as the information it is based on, and the NECA Manual of Labor Units (MLU) has been the estimating resource of choice for electrical contractors since 1923. The MLU provides an experience-based reference for estimating the electrical construction labor required to install typical electrical and communications systems.

    Updates to this edition include updated labor units for electric vehicle supply equipment, cable lashing, pull string, pre-cut and field-cut strut, Connectrac, enclosed magnetic motor starters, access control, and much more.

      Format: Book
      Other available formats: PDF Download
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      Manual of Labor Units (MLU) 2023-2024 PDF Download (4090-23D)
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      Index: 4090-23D

      An estimate is only as good as the information it is based on, and the NECA Manual of Labor Units (MLU) has been the estimating resource of choice for electrical contractors since 1923. The MLU provides an experience-based reference for estimating the electrical construction labor required to install typical electrical and communications systems.

      Updates to this edition include updated labor units for electric vehicle supply equipment, cable lashing, pull string, pre-cut and field-cut strut, Connectrac, enclosed magnetic motor starters, access control and much more. 

      Format: PDF Download

      Other formats: Book
      Please note, the PDF is a secured document and cannot be printed or altered.

      The purchase of the MLU conveys a single license to the individual that purchased it. NECA views it as acceptable for the document to be transferred from one computer to another, provided it does not exist on both. 

      Note: No refunds on PDF orders.
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      NECA Guide to Aerial Lifts (Digital Resource Kit 5031-20RK)
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      Index: 5031-20RK

      Employers, owners and operators are now required to comply with ANSI's new A92 standards for mobile elevated work platforms (MWEP). NECA's Guide to Aerial Lifts is a jobsite guide designed to assist members in complying with American National Standard Institute (ANSI) MEWP equipment and training requirements. ANSI/SAIA A92.22-2018 Standard for Safe Use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) addresses the design of new aerial lift equipment and ANSI-SAIA A92.24-2018 Standard for Training Requirements for the Use, Operation, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) provides an overview of required training for operators, supervisors and maintenance personnel. 

      Aerial lifts are so common in the electrical construction industry that a description or definition may not seem warranted. However, to understand applicable regulations and the scope of what is included, it is necessary to review both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and ANSI definitions and descriptions. 

      The NECA Guide to Aerial Lifts, is specifically designed to assist contractors in understanding and complying with new OSHA and ANSI MEWP equipment and training requirements. Now available for purchase in the NECA Store, this handy jobsite guide is printed on weatherized and tear-proof paper, and perfect for use on the jobsite or for your company's safety training.

      NOTE: This resource kit includes a PowerPoint presentation, a digital version of the guide and additional appendix resources.
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      NECA Guide to Aerial Lifts Guide 5031-20 Booklet
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      Index: 5031-20

      Employers, owners and operators are now required to comply with ANSI's new A92 standards for mobile elevated work platforms (MWEP). NECA's Guide to Aerial Lifts is a jobsite guide designed to assist members in complying with ANSI MEWP equipment and training requirements. ANSI/SAIA A92.22-2018 Standard for Safe Use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) addresses the design of new aerial lift equipment and ANSI-SAIA A92.24-2018 Standard for Training Requirements for the Use, Operation, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) provides an overview of required training for operators, supervisors and maintenance personnel.

      What is an Aerial Lift? 

      Aerial lifts are so common in the electrical construction industry that a description or definition may not seem warranted. However, to understand applicable regulations and the scope of what is included, it is necessary to review both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and American National Standard Institute (ANSI) definitions and descriptions. 

      OSHA describes aerial lifts as: 

      • Any vehicle-mounted device used to elevate personnel 
      • Work platform that can move vertically and/or horizontally 
      • Printed on weatherized and tear resistant paper, this handy guide is perfect for use on the jobsite or for your company's safety briefings. 

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      NECA Guide to Aerial Lifts Guide 5031-20D PDF Download
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      Index: 5031-20D

      Employers, owners and operators are now required to comply with ANSI's new A92 standards for mobile elevated work platforms (MWEP). NECA's Guide to Aerial Lifts is a jobsite guide designed to assist members in complying with American National Standard Institute (ANSI) MEWP equipment and training requirements. ANSI/SAIA A92.22-2018 Standard for Safe Use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) addresses the design of new aerial lift equipment and ANSI-SAIA A92.24-2018 Standard for Training Requirements for the Use, Operation, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) provides an overview of required training for operators, supervisors and maintenance personnel.

      Aerial lifts are so common in the electrical construction industry that a description or definition may not seem warranted. However, to understand applicable regulations and the scope of what is included, it is necessary to review both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and ANSI definitions and descriptions. 

      The NECA Guide to Aerial Lifts, is specifically designed to assist contractors in understanding and complying with new OSHA and ANSI MEWP equipment and training requirements. Now available for purchase in the NECA Store, this handy jobsite guide is printed on weatherized and tear-proof paper, and perfect for use on the jobsite or for your company's safety training.

      NOTE: This is a PDF Download of the NECA Guide to Aerial Lifts. 

      Also available: 
      NECA Guide to Aerial Lifts Resource Kit (5031-20RK) which includes a PDF download of the guide, supplemental annex materials and a PowerPoint presentation for company training.
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      NECA Guide to Shock and Arc Flash Risk Assessments (5032-20)
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      Index: 5032-20

      NECA has developed a new safety guide to assist with understanding how to properly conduct Shock and Arc Flash Risk Assessments according to NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. 

      The NECA Guide to Shock and Arc Flash Risk Assessments, Index #5032-20 is available in the NECA store for purchase either in printed form or downloadable as part of a digital resource kit that includes a PDF of the guide, a training PowerPoint and PDF versions of each risk assessment forms. This guide provides invaluable information for employees and employers to properly conduct and document these risk assessments that are necessary to protect workers and ensure a proper Electrical Safe Work Condition can be established according to NFPA and OSHA.  

      NECA continues to lead in developing safety resources that members can use for effective safety management and training. 

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      NECA Safety Manual Powerpoint & Digital Resource Kit Download (5030RK-18)
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      Index: 5030RK-18

      Why do I need a manual? Most agree on the value of safety. Morally, electrical contractors establish safety rules and require employees to follow them to prevent anyone from getting hurt. From a regulatory perspective we need to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Finally, it just makes good business sense. Accidents can be costly. Higher insurance premiums and hidden costs, such as down time and administrative overhead, can significantly affect the success of any business. On top of this many customers won't hire contractors who fail to prove they run a safe company. A comprehensive, effective-written safety manual is the first step in establishing and proving your company as safe. What does a safety manual do? A written safety manual: - serves as a mutual agreement: 1) between employer and employee stipulating what procedures will be followed to ensure the safety of the employee. 2)with the host employer/customer it is an agreement that the contractor will follow appropriate safety rules to protect the customer from the negative impact of an incident that could occur on their property during a given project. - is a strong communication media to ensure employees, host employers/customers and OSHA know and understand what actions are to be taken to ensure safety for all to which it applies. Why should I buy the NECA manual? NECA understands the many challenges (prequalification hurdles, OSHA compliance, special requirements set by NFPA 70E) electrical contractors face and what is needed. The new NECA Manual targets those elements. The Manual: - is based on programs that have met 3rd party evaluator demands for the prequalification process - includes those sections/topics needed for OSHA compliance and requested by host employers/customers - is an interactive and collaborative living document incorporating feedback from users. NECA members using the document provide information on new elements requested by customers or regulatory agencies. Changes are made to the program in its digital format and users can download the updates as needed. Order the new NECA Safety Manual today! With these new features electrical contractors will be better able to protect employees, more easily prequalify for customer projects and comply with all OSHA requirements. NECA Digital Resources kits includes a training PowerPoint, a PDF copy of the guide and any forms or checklists that are associated with the guide.
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      NFPA 70E Lockout/Tagout Guide 5400-18
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      Index: 5400-18

      The NFPA 70E Guide to Lockout/Tagout manual is designed as a field guide and printed on special coated paper. It provides a brief overview of NFPA 70E, applicable OSHA regulations, and defines what NFPA 70E considers an "Electrically Safe Work Condition." It then offers a flow chart for determining the appropriate form of control needed such as Individual Qualified Employee Control Procedure, Simple Lockout/Tagout Procedure or Complex Lockout/Tagout Procedure. Once the user determines the form of control, the flow chart directs the user to turn to the applicable section. Each section presents the required LOTO steps in sequence. A separate section identifies procedures for removal of the LOTO. The appendices provide a listing of useful definitions and a checklist for determining locks and tags suitable for use.

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      NFPA 70E Lockout/Tagout Resource Kit 5400-18RK
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      Index: 5400-18RK

      The NFPA 70E Guide to Lockout/Tagout manual is designed as a field guide and printed on special coated paper. It provides a brief overview of NFPA 70E, applicable OSHA regulations, and defines what NFPA 70E considers an "Electrically Safe Work Condition." It then offers a flow chart for determining the appropriate form of control needed such as Individual Qualified Employee Control Procedure, Simple Lockout/Tagout Procedure or Complex Lockout/Tagout Procedure. Once the user determines the form of control, the flow chart directs the user to turn to the applicable section. Each section presents the required LOTO steps in sequence. A separate section identifies procedures for removal of the LOTO. The appendices provide a listing of useful definitions and a checklist for determining locks and tags suitable for use.

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      NFPA 70E Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Selector (5024-24)
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      Index: 5024-24

      NECA has updated the NECA PPE Selector Guide based on NFPA 70E that was developed to assist the industry in understanding and applying the provisions found in NFPA 70E, The Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace to the 2024 edition. Available in print, PDF and as a part of a digital resource kit that includes a training PPT.

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      Normal Project Duration Book (5076-04)
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      Index: 5076-04

      A "normal" project is defined as a project that is managed properly and proceeds as expected. Benchmark indicators for normal electrical project duration are established in this study. A relationship between project size in work hours and normal project duration is developed and presented in a series of tables and charts. 
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      Normal Project Duration PDF Download (5076-04D)
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      Index: 5076-04D

      A "normal" project is defined as a project that is managed properly and proceeds as expected. Benchmark indicators for normal electrical project duration are established in this study. A relationship between project size in work hours and normal project duration is developed and presented in a series of tables and charts. 

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      Officer and Overhead Personnel Compensation Report 2021 PDF (1065-21PDF)
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      Index: 1065-21

      This report presents a detailed analysis of key compensation and workforce benefits data from companies operating in the electrical contracting industry. Based on confidential surveys submitted by electrical contractors, this report includes a compilation and analysis of data segmented by total company sales volume, NECA chapter affiliation, and union status.

      The survey includes data on areas such as:

      - Annual Wages Paid to Overhead Employees 

      - Officer Compensation (Salaries, Bonuses and Dividends)

      - Employee Benefit Information 

      - Vacation and Sick Leave Policies

      - Retirement/Pension Plan Information

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      Outside Line Safety Talks (5059L-21)
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      Index: 5059L-21

      NECA Safety has updated the Outside Line Safety Talks for the outside electrical construction and utility industry. These talks include 100 safety talks outside specific content to enhance company safety programs and provide new and updated information to employees. Many of these talks are based in industry best practices and OSHA regulations. These talks are available for electronic delivery in PDF and can be printed out with an appropriate sign-in sheet attached to each talk. (Zip File)

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      Project Peak Workforce Book
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      Index: 5074-04

      This study establishes the baseline for electrical project peak workforce size. A relationship between project size in work hours and peak workforce is developed and presented in a series of tables and charts. The study also identifies the recommended number of workers for different project sizes.
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      Project Peak Workforce PDF Download
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      Index: 5074-04D

      This study establishes the baseline for electrical project peak workforce size. A relationship between project size in work hours and peak workforce is developed and presented in a series of tables and charts. The study also identifies the recommended number of workers for different project sizes.

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      Rate of Manpower Consumption Booklet
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      Index: 5075-04

      The rate of manpower consumption is identified for the electrical contracting industry and is displayed graphically through a manpower-loading curve. The study also identifies a powerful method for integrating multiple management and control tools in order to assess actual project status. This method, called the Trapezoidal Technique, combines estimating methods for normal project duration, peak workforce level, and rate of manpower consumption into one easy-to-use formula.

      Also available in PDF.
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      Rate of Manpower Consumption PDF
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      Index: 5075-04PDF

      The rate of manpower consumption is identified for the electrical contracting industry and is displayed graphically through a manpower-loading curve. The study also identifies a powerful method for integrating multiple management and control tools in order to assess actual project status. This method, called the Trapezoidal Technique, combines estimating methods for normal project duration, peak workforce level, and rate of manpower consumption into one easy-to-use formula.

      Also available in Booklet format.
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      Temporary Power Guide PDF
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      Index: 5030PDF

      This guide was developed by NECA to assist the industry in understanding and applying all applicable requirements for installing temporary power systems and the use of temporary power. The content is based on multiple codes and standards and is designed as a quick reference for the electrical contractors and electricians working in the field. The codes and standards referenced in this guide are readily available and it is recommended that contractors obtain copies of each.

      Also available in Book format.
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      The Effect of Multi-Story Buildings on Productivity Book
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      Index: 5071-04

      Buildings with 13 stories or more require additional labor costs that are unique to tall buildings. These increased costs are associated with: (1) increased quantities of materials; (2) additional time required to move workers, tools, and materials vertically; and (3) a subsequent loss of productivity. This study identifies unique tall-building costs, such as type of occupancy, quantity of floor area, and number of change orders. Worksheets and graphs are provided to assist the electrical contractor with the development of an accurate estimate of costs, or work hours, for a multi-story building.
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      The Effect of Multi-Story Buildings on Productivity PDF Download
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      Index: 5071-04D

      Buildings with 13 stories or more require additional labor costs that are unique to tall buildings. These increased costs are associated with: (1) increased quantities of materials; (2) additional time required to move workers, tools, and materials vertically; and (3) a subsequent loss of productivity. This study identifies unique tall-building costs, such as type of occupancy, quantity of floor area, and number of change orders. Worksheets and graphs are provided to assist the electrical contractor with the development of an accurate estimate of costs, or work hours, for a multi-story building.

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      The Effect of Temperature on Productivity Book
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      Index: 5072-04

      The effects of extreme combinations of temperature and humidity on electrical labor productivity are identified. The results are presented in a series of tables and charts, which provide a powerful tool that can be used by contractors to adjust their bids during the bidding process and to support requests for time extensions and compensation during the construction process.

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